Garden Warriors

Applications are now closed.

The application deadline for Garden Warriors has passed for the 2022 season. Please check back early next year for youth applications.

4 days each week, Mon-Thurs.  Four-week sessions covering gardening, nutrition, physical activity, and Native culture and language for teens ages 13-18. Participants are paid a stipend for their work in program and are paid for their participation.

Garden Warriors Session I - Three Week Session

Garden Warriors in Session I learn the basics of organic agriculture and healthy cooking fundamentals. Youth have the opportunity to cook healthy lunches in the kitchen, work with the farm team, and may have the opportunity to work at the farmers market. We encourage first-time youth to apply for this session. Previous Garden Warriors may also participate.


Garden Warriors Session II - Three Week Session

In Session II, returning Garden Warriors deepen their knowledge and improve skills from previous seasons. Youth learn seed saving and hand pollination. Youth also have the opportunity to cook healthy lunches in the kitchen, work with the farm team, and may have the opportunity to work at the farmers market.


After participating in the Garden Warriors program, youth can become a Youth Leader. Youth Leaders participate in DWH programs and events year-round.


Please contact our Community Programs Coordinator, Phoebe Young, if you have any questions about youth programs.  You can reach Phoebe at or call at 612-874-4200 (ext 107).