
Dream of Wild Health is one of the oldest and longest operating Native American led and focused nonprofits in the Twin Cities.

Dream of Wild Health began as a program of Peta Wakan Tipi, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that was founded in 1986 to provide transitional housing and supportive services in a cultural context for homeless and chemically dependent Native Americans.

In answer to residents’ requests for re-connection with their traditions, foods and medicines, Dream of Wild Health was created in 1998 to recover and preserve the traditional Native American relationship between people and plants, especially traditional plants that offer spiritual and physical sustenance to our ancestors.

In 2011, following the retirement of founder, Sally Auger, the transitional housing programs were closed.

As Dream of Wild Health has become the primary focus of the non-profit organization, the name was of the 501(c)3 organization formerly known as Peta Wakan Tipi was legally changed in 2012.

Today, Dream of Wild Health has grown into a 30-acre farm in Hugo, Minnesota, and serves the Minneapolis-St. Paul Twin Cities Native community as an independent 501(c)3 entity. Dream of Wild Health is now working to create and restore an Indigenous relationship with the land and to offer access to healthy foods and lifestyles.